
Showing posts from October, 2018
My mom will like to hear that you wrote about her..she said she hasnt had that much fun in a long time..she is a people watcher and like me ,seems to be able to read peoples least enough to know whether they are good or bad.Helen said she caught my mom looking at Annie(the half asian girl who sat next to Helen)in a not so nice way...apparently Annie was picking toppings off of the pizza..not her own piece but right off of a pie on the mother frowns on actions like this and probly couldnt contain her disgust!! Now you see why I am such a picky wierdo!! You will never be a third wheel..Brian and I have plenty of alone time and hopefuly have many years ahead of us as a couple. Its nice to have you around and I hope to see much more of you. You are one of the few people i trust in this world..its always been obvious to me that you are a special person..not the kind that rides a short bus,but a good natured,pure of soul type of special person. Its funn